
An original oil painting by June Pauline Zent 24×30 inches

The rules stated that a photography blog was not required. I do agree that photography is an art but the photos on this blog are taken from my original painting and drawing. I shoot the photography myself to use them on a computer but these images are compositions that I have created in paint and other mediums. This particular one is not referenced by anything but my head. It is completely out of my imagination. The hands are holding the trunk of the tree preventing it from slipping into the water and drowning.

My idea was to visually show the relationship between our precious trees/environment and our critical decisions or will to save them and ourselves from drowning in a sea of neglect and greed. Trees give us oxygen without which life cannot exist. Of course as with all art your feelings about this piece might be totally different and I welcome your feedback.

About artzent

I am a visual artist and teacher of Fine art working and teaching in all 2D media. You can see images of my work in many categories, view my biography,comment on artwork, see what's on the easel right now, and more when you go to https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/junepauline-zent I will be blogging here about personal true stories and sharing my life and work. I hope that you will comment and share yours with me!
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  1. soumyav says:

    This one is amazingly done June ..love ur idea…and thought..
    I feel after seeing this..

    Grasping the roots of the faith,
    with my hands gripping the base,
    I try to live another day,
    holding onto the dream of fate,
    vociferously with all my strength…

  2. great post ! thank you for share it for us.

  3. artzent says:

    Thank you Stefan for your lovely compliment!

  4. I love the calm but I think faithful grip of the hands around the tree 🙂

  5. Genie says:

    Your artwork is so profound and inspiring, I see a poem in most pieces. This one is so needed for these times.
    May I write poems to some of your works if I credit the artwork to you?

    • artzent says:

      Of course Genie, I would be delighted and honored to have you write poems about my work. I am currently writing a post about sharing my work and am always happy to share if given credit for the image. If you market your poems of course we would have to talk about using the image but you certainly can show the image on your site with my blessing. Are you connected to a charitable cause? If so I often release limited copyright for them to raise funds.At any rate thank you so much for the compliments and for coming here. I love your blog but did not see a place to like of comment. If there is please let me know. Best! June

      • Genie says:

        Thank you, June. Like I said: your pieces have poems in them.

        No, I never market my poems. I only allow them to be published in books that give 100 percent of the proceeds to charity.

        You can “like”any of my post by clicking “like” at the top left corner of the post.

        I have comments turned off for the summer because I love being in Nature so much and I don’t carry a tablet or cell phone with me in Nature because that would be like being half in Nature and half on the net.

  6. Sharon says:

    Love it and the thought behind it!

  7. The Smile Scavenger says:

    Just nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award 🙂 http://smilescavenger.wordpress.com/2012/09/02/liebster-award/

  8. artzent says:

    So good of you to nominate me for this award. I am humbled and grateful. And congratulations to you for winning this award; you so deserve it! Smiles to you!

  9. eisyc says:

    I always believed that more could be said with pictures (and music)…words sometimes can not express what I feel inside. I usually stumble and search for the right word, but it is usually never found. I think you captured feeling in this painting. It is beautiful!
    My thirteen year old daughter says that your painting is “cool”!
    …the poem is above is lovely.

    • artzent says:

      Wow, getting a “cool” from a thirteen year old is like the ultimate compliment. Please thank her for me! Yes, I like both pictures and words but it is true that one picture can say a thousand words. thank you so much for coming here and leaving such great compliments. I will check out your blog too!

  10. Marlo says:

    Hi Grandma, I am so grateful to you for gifting me this amazing piece that hangs lovingly in my living space. I love how it reminds me on a daily basis that all nature and living creatures are connected….that we are all one. Love you! Marlo

    • artzent says:

      Hey sweetheart. So glad that you came here and that you feel so strongly about this piece. It is certainly getting some attention. Yes, we are all one and need to take care and respect that connection. I cannot tell you in words how glad I am that you visited my blog. Love you always!

  11. WOW ! It’s sooooo beautiful . As if the tree is trying to hide a name of a beloved or a a vow written by a beloved till the knight comes and read it . I lOve it =)

  12. artzent says:

    That is a soulfull interpretation and so like you as a poet. I love it and thank you for the wonderful compliments.

  13. I love the concept of this piece and how it shows that nature is truly in our hands… Too many trees are needlessly cut down.

  14. artzent says:

    Thank you Maggie. I see that you reacted to the piece exactly as I intended. I do like to see that the artwork conjures positive thoughts about the environment and it is absolutely in our hands to protect it.. In our area it is common for loggers to come in a clear cut many acres at a time. They can certainly be more prudent about their work. Even leaving some trees in a area will generate replacements.. Thank you for coming here and making that statement!

  15. johncoyote says:

    I’m 1/2 Ojibwa. I love nature. I’m proud to be a tree HUGGER. Amazing artwork and words. Thank you.

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