Crocheted Corky by June Pauline Zent for my granddaughter also named Courtney


This is the last blog of Corky’s story. To read the whole story start with Adventures of Corky the Coon under the catagory of  Wild and Tame Animal Stories.

As time went by we talked about the loss of Corky less and less. I have to confess his absence made life a little easier without the drama but there was an edge of excitement missing with shared memories of his outrageous antics. We couldn’t go out into the back yard without looking for signs that he had visited.

One day after most of the kids were home from school we were all relaxing in the living room watching TV when I saw the front door knob move. I nudged my husband and pointed. When he also saw the knob move he rushed to fetch his gun. The door knob kept moving back and forth so I took the kids into the kitchen where we could watch safely. Courtney holding the gun in one hand opened the door with the other. Standing there was one very large adult raccoon. We all shouted ” its Corky!”

He waltzed right inside and headed for the bedroom where he and Courtney used to play ball on the bed. They spent a long visit tossing the ball back and forth, holding hands, and Courtney tickling him as if he had never left. Apparently Corky had forgiven his banisher or like a kid returning from college had acquired new understanding of his upbringing. However, when he stopped playing and headed for the door Courtney stopped him from leaving. He locked him in the room intending to keep him there until our oldest daughter could see that he had returned. Mean while Corky started to cheer running back and forth, scratching at the door, and turning the knob desperate to gain freedom.

Finally his rescuer arrived and ran down the hallway to welcome him. She flung the door open shouting, “Corky!” Just as she did Corky lashed out clawing a long gash on her leg. Courtney slammed the door then we turned our attention to our hurt daughter whose feelings were damaged more than her leg. The wound – which was not serious – was cleaned with antiseptic, antibiotic applied, and bandaged. The harder job was trying to explain Corky’s behavior to a distrught rescuer. What to do with Corky now was the question. The idea man came up with the solution: we would take him a few miles away and release him again to the woods. But how? Courtney fetched a large plastic garbage can and perched it open end first at the door He opened the door fast! Corky bolted into the can and the lid was slammed on just as fast.
For good measure a rope was tied around several times with a slip knot at the end.

We all piled into the station wagon with Corky in can and headed for remote woods. the kids freaked out a bit because Corky put his hands between the lid and can top despertly clawing trying to get out. Arriving at a suitable location the kids and I stayed in the car while Courtney pulled the slip knot. Bang! He was out of the cage in a flash. We could hear him hauling butt through the woods for what seemed like miles. We never received another visit from Corky but we were satisfied that he could manage any challenge in his natural environment and our daughter never again brought home another wild animal.

This post concludes The Adventures of Corky the Coon but there are more true stories coming up. Hope that you will be here!

About artzent

I am a visual artist and teacher of Fine art working and teaching in all 2D media. You can see images of my work in many categories, view my biography,comment on artwork, see what's on the easel right now, and more when you go to I will be blogging here about personal true stories and sharing my life and work. I hope that you will comment and share yours with me!
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12 Responses to CORKY PAYS A VISIT

  1. sojourner says:

    It is difficult to let go something that has become so dear to us.

  2. artzent says:

    Yes, I think that Courtney had more difficulty that the rest of us but Corky was a child of the forrest and I hope that he is tooling around there now! Thanks for the comment; I see that you understand.

  3. Adieren Roark says:

    The conclusion of this story serves as an example of how you don’t always approve of something your parent did in the past, despite loving them very much. I remember very well sitting in the back of the station wagon feeling very frightened, watching Corky furiously trying to get out the garbage can. I know it was tied with a lot of rope but *IF* he did escape, he could have seriously injured us. I don’t think it was a wise decision for us to attend Corky’s release. Do you? Lesson learned, wild animals, even those raised by human hands, can be dangerous. Thanks for writing this story, Mom. I’m looking forward to more…

  4. artzent says:

    I hope that you read stories Corky Cuts Loose, Corky Gets a Cage, and Corky Pays Back before you get too down on your parents. Truthfully we all loved Corky. He contributed to our family and never did anyone harm except fo Marlene. If we failed it was in not stopping her from opening the door. Yes, I do think that it was a good idea for eveyone to attend his release; it provided closure for all. The thought that he might get loose never entered my mind because he was very well tied up but I can see that it was tramatic for you and I am sorry for that. Yes, parents can disapoint and so can children disapoint their parents. Making mistakes is how we learn. There is an excellent blog here on Word Press titled: I Want My Kids to Fail. Hope that you read it. It applys to parents as well as kids. Hopefully no one is perfect otherwize life would be very dull! Also read the comment before yours. I think that comment is what the story is about. I never ment to make you unhappy and did not realize that you would react in this way.

  5. Bruce says:

    June, we just love your stories about Corky and your family! They are just wonderful.


  6. artzent says:

    Thank you Bruce! I hope that it will be easier for you to come back now. Just finishing a new entry that I hope to post today and am having fun. Its a great community here with some fantanstic authors. I am learning a lot as with any creative project. You should try it !

  7. Carol Marlene Mumford says:

    What can I say about Corky!!! what a friend he was. this is the most interesting story I have had the pleasure to read. My Sister “you did good”

  8. artzent says:

    Hope that you read all four stories and the other post. I am glad that you went to the blog. Your openion matters the most to me ! Love you

  9. Bumba says:

    Liked the corky stories a lot.

  10. gita4elamats says:

    Great adventure! 🙂

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