I PROMISED YOU continued – three




An original watercolor painting 24″x 30″ on museum board by June Pauline Zent

The next morning a large truck pulled up in the driveway. Two guys got out and knocked on the door. ” June Zent?” one asked. They returned to the truck and pulled a huge TV out of the back. “Bert Reynolds said to bring this to you”. The kids were beyond excited as they rushed to move the 10 inch screen away and watched this monster positioned in its place.

Later Buddy told me that he had taken it out of the tree house: a literal small house placed high up in the trees at his Jupiter ranch. He said that he used it to escape when things got chaotic there. I could see that it was not new so that explained it. He asked me to come out to the ranch because he wanted me to meet someone. It turned out to be Cat Dancing, his famous horse. She was at the far end of a very huge corralled area. I jumped up on the fence, sitting at the top. Buddy stood beside me. The horse snorted and pawed the ground then began to run straight at us. I froze, but my instinct was to get the hell off that fence. Buddy laughed, “she’s jealous of you”, he said. She came to within twenty inches of me , stopped abruptly, turned around, and ambled back to the far end as before. I thought, “the first time is the worst”. Sure enough she repeated this intimidation for several more passes but by now I was on to her and kept my seat. However, I was convinced that If she could she would have stomped me into the ground. My next encounter with her was less traumatic. Buddy had a plan that he was not sharing.

Buddy was not well and in spite of a testing barrage they couldn’t diagnose the problem. One doctor believed It was something to do with his jaw that was causing dizziness. Another said hypoglycemia, and so it went. He continued to call and visit regardless of not feeling well. He like to sit on the floor and bounce a beach ball at Billy, my autistic son. I think that he wanted to teach Billy to catch the ball. On one occasion I was prone on the floor watching this action. Suddenly Buddy stood up and walked over to me . Looking down the said, ” have you ever had an irresistible urge?”  “Sure” I blurted. with that he reached down and lifted me off the floor by the seat of the pants. shocked! was an understatement. I sucked my breath in then yelled! Shock value was part of his modus operandi. We both began to laugh and he headed for the door. By the way he never again presented wearing a highfalutin Liberace style cowboy outfit. He wore jeans.

He called in the early evening to tell me that a movie of his would be playing that night on TV and asked me to watch it Knowing that I had never seen his movies. It turned out to be a car chase with some questionable characters racing across the country and getting into trouble with the police. Something and the Dixie Dancers? I think. It was a forgettable movie with him creatively chewing gum for the whole two hours. Ring, ring. It was him. “How did you like it”,He asked. “Well”, I said, “you chew gum real good”. He choked, then started laughing continuing for several minutes. It dawned on me that I had just insulted him but he didn’t seem to mind. I think he knew that the movie was stupid. He said, “next time I want you to watch Deliverance”. I agreed and having seen it my faith in his talent was restored. That was a movie made for more than money!

There is a whole lot more to this story and after my fingers recover you will see it in the continued fourth. Hope to see you here!

About artzent

I am a visual artist and teacher of Fine art working and teaching in all 2D media. You can see images of my work in many categories, view my biography,comment on artwork, see what's on the easel right now, and more when you go to https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/junepauline-zent I will be blogging here about personal true stories and sharing my life and work. I hope that you will comment and share yours with me!
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40 Responses to I PROMISED YOU continued – three

  1. Your flower is absolutely gorgeous… I’m on break at the salon and we’ve all been just… staring at it. Cute story too 🙂

    • artzent says:

      Thank you so much. what a nice thing to do and say as a fellow artist. You with hair and me with paint.Your comments are gratefully received!

  2. AJ Barlow says:

    Incredible. Once again, I am in awe of your talent

  3. jane says:

    June I LOVE the stories. I feel like I am getting to know you guys better. You know that I love all of you work. I agree with some others when they say that you are a great writer as well as a great artist. Keep em coming

    • artzent says:

      Gosh Jane, I am blushing and so thankful that you came here. You know that I hide out in the woods but these stories need to be told and I am finding it as much creative as my visual artwork. They are true and I am glad that you like them. I know also that you are a wonderful person and I am glad that you are in charge of my Billy.
      Nothing is more important to me! Thank you so much!

  4. lillianccc says:

    The painting is beautiful, as always. And the story just keeps getting more intriguing. I have no clue where it’s headed and that’s one of my favorite things about it. You know how to reel a reader in! Take care of those typing fingers and I’m looking forward to your next installment. 🙂

  5. artzent says:

    Thank you Lillian. I am so glad that you are keeping up as it moves along . I worry that some will not go to the first story and will not understand the currant one. But that’s the way word press is set up: last installment first, or ass backwards. Ha ha, Not good for a continuing one. I am going to think about that and if you or anyone else has suggestions I would welcome them. Thank you again for the great compliments!

  6. kevin david wells says:

    Now that I have started reading this there is no way that I am going to miss one word .What a wonderful painting too, amazing talent and inspiring work of art.Cant wait to see what comes next.

    • artzent says:

      Hi there Kevin, Nice to see you here. I think that most of my family are afraid to come here and yet they will post non stop on face book.That is the most unsafe place on line! This is very safe ans I encourage you to keep reading not just my post but all the awesome ones. You can even start up your ow blog here for free and join the conversation. I hope that you read the beginning story I Promised you , Then continued, then continued II, then continued three. They all link together to one big story. Thank you for the compliments and I will look to see you here!

  7. Beautiful flower bud, very voluptuous
    and very funny reply about chewing gum.
    I’m curious what will be next as a work and where the story goes…
    Have a beautiful day.

    • artzent says:

      Thank you so much for the compliments and I hope that you read the four post connected to the story. It’s a shame that word press gives you the last story first but I am working on that. Your words are very encouraging. Thank you.

  8. Carol Marlene zent Mumford says:

    Budding venus. what a beautiful rose painted by a beautiful person.
    I am enjoying the story, because I really have not had the pleasure of hearing the whole event.
    love you little sister. Marlene

  9. artzent says:

    I am glad that you are liking the story. that’s one of the reasons I am writing it. Even my closest family like you have never heard the whole story. Now you will.. Your namesake Little Marlene has been bugging me for that flower so yesterday I gave her Songs of Roses instead and I hope that I have heard the last of that. At some point I have to get back to the easel.Thank you for all of your compliment and comments. We are alike: When you decide to do something you do it right. And by the way, you said that I would try anything. Not so, I would not even try to do quilting like you and Addie. Have not got THAT much patience!

  10. The Smile Scavenger says:

    What you do with the water in these pieces is incredible. Good work!

  11. I keep reminding myself… ‘This is the real Burt Reynolds she’s writing about!’
    What can I say… at one time I had a crush…
    Now I have to say… you are every bit, no more, of an artist than he ever was as an actor.

  12. artzent says:

    Thank you again and again! He was a better actor than his movies let you see. Yes this is the real Burton Reynolds or Buddy to me. He was a huge talent which he let selective others see but in his movies he followed the money instead of the art, sadly. But you were right to have a crush on him. As I knew him he was a very handsome talented guy and when money did not get in the way a caring person. I have plenty of proof of these stories as you will see later but that’s not the point. I simply need to tell them no matter where the chips fall.

  13. Excellent post. If you allow , I briefly , rating this photo. I would say an excellent choice of topics and very demanding. impression: a fascinating colors with endless details, , with a distinctive fine dispersion of light , by a calming effect on the viewer and memorable works. Rating : Excellent

  14. artzent says:

    Oh Stefan, Thank you so much for that rating coming from you I am delighted! Your description is lovely. I could not ask for more. Thank you!

  15. I am so loving the continued saga, June! I agree with everyone else when they say you know how to reel a reader in! I can’t wait to see where this story ends! And, by the way, I Love, love, love your artwork!

  16. artzent says:

    And I love, love, love your post as well. Sorry, but it will not end soon; it is a long story covering a good part of my adult life. But I think that you will find it interesting. Not many people have had as many good as well as bad things happen to them.Thank you so much for your continuing support and awesome compliments!

  17. Hi!
    This is to let you know that I have nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award and to let you know you are appreciated.
    If you choose to participate, please visit my blog site http://helpwithyourlife.wordpress.com/2012/07/30/the-beautiful-blogger-award/ for award information.

    Blessings and Congratulations!


    • artzent says:

      Oh, I am thrilled with receiving this award and all of the others. I will find a way to thank you and the others properly. I am humbled and grateful. Thank you so much!

  18. Sharon says:

    Waiting for part 4 of “I Promissed You” Keep them coming, June. Your stories are interesting, and filling in some of the gaps in things that I remembered as a kid. Love reading these, and have always loved your artwork. You are a very talented person!

  19. artzent says:

    Hopefully I can get part four finished soon and thanks again for your encouragement and compliments

  20. I love the old TV ? We used to have one like that =) it’s funny 🙂

  21. artzent says:

    Yes, those were the days. You had to be creative with your TV!

  22. TAM says:

    Heaven sent art Artzent! 🙂

  23. TAM says:

    Reblogged this on TAM's Garden and commented:
    Some art leaves me speechless…

  24. gita4elamats says:

    Beautiful flower! 🙂 Deliverance was the scariest movie I’ve ever seen! 🙂

  25. artzent says:

    Yes, it was scary but educated some people. Buddy is proud of it and attended a recent showing in South Florida. Glad that you like the flower; it’s one of my favorites.

    • gita4elamats says:

      “They are not kin” was the reason given for the killings and that line has stuck in my horrified memory ever since! Buddy should be proud of it, it was a powerful movie.
      The flower looks so life-like, I feel Like I could reach out and cup it in my hand. 😀

  26. artzent says:

    What a great compliment; I don’t think that I have ever had one quite as poetic. Thank you !

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